Talent promotion for pupils

NRW-Talentscouting - Individual support for high school students in Wuppertal, Solingen, Remscheid and Mettmann district
NRW-Talentscouting is one of the largest support programs for more equal opportunities in Germany. The talentscouts from the University of Wuppertal work directly at the cooperating grammar schools, comprehensive schools and vocational schools in order to establish contact with the many talented people in the region without any obstacles. The main aim is to support young people from families without an academic background on their educational path. There is now a continuously growing network of 23 universities of applied sciences and universities cooperating throughout NRW, which visit surrounding schools with talentscouts and promote young talent.

Wupper-Stipendien - Scholarship for pupils in the NRW-Talentscouting program at the University of Wuppertal
The school scholarship Wupper-Stipendien supports pupils at secondary schools who actively participate in the NRW-Talentscouting program of the University of Wuppertal. Students receive financial and non-material support from the introductory or first qualification phase until they graduate. The scholarship program provides financial support for educational expenses, such as the cost of learning materials and participation fees for seminars. In addition, the student scholarship holders receive non-material support in the form of participation in personal development and subject-specific workshops and/or cultural events. Each school in the NRW-Talentscouting program at the University of Wuppertal may nominate one talent from its school per application phase.
Selected talent development programs for students
- RuhrTalente - The school scholarship program in the Ruhr region: "RuhrTalente offers [pupils] an exciting educational program and ongoing personal advice on educational and training issues. [The scholarship holders gain extraordinary experiences, broaden their horizons and invest in their future. They are supported from the eighth grade at most until the start of their vocational training or studies]."
- NRWTalente_academy: "The NRWTalente_academy is the newly developed ideal scholarship program of the NRW Center for Talent Development and is aimed at performance-oriented and committed students of all school types from the 10th grade onwards."
- NRWTalente - OWL region: "NRWTalente - Region OWL is a scholarship program for pupils from East Westphalia-Lippe. [It accompanies] performance-oriented young people from all types of schools from the 8th grade onwards with practical offers, regular advice and support as well as individual talent promotion."
- NRWTalente - Region Aachen: "NRWTalente is a scholarship program for pupils in the Aachen region (Aachen city region, Düren, Heinsberg and Euskirchen districts) that supports high-achieving young people from all types of schools from the 8th grade onwards with practical offers, regular advice and support as well as individual talent development."
- TalentKollegs Ruhr (Gelsenkirchen and Herne, Oberhausen, Hagen): "According to the triad 'Orientate. Qualify. Motivate', the TalentKolleg Ruhr provides talented young people from the end of lower secondary school with individual support in their orientation phase at the transition from school to university or a career and prepares them in small groups for a better professional start to their studies or vocational training."
- Begabungslotse (Bildung & Begabung): "The portal provides a wide range of continuously researched, quality-assured information on the topics of individual support, talent development and gifted education and enables [...] pupils [...] to obtain information on the subject area independently and without prior knowledge - both regionally and nationwide." Bildung & Begabung is, among other things, the organizer of the Deutsche SchülerAkademie.
- Kölner Gymnasial- und Stiftungsfonds: "The Kölner Gymnasial- und Stiftungsfonds supports talented young people on their way to the Abitur. In cases of giftedness or where family and state support is not sufficient, they help to finance special educational projects."
- START-Stiftung: The aim of the funding "is to support young people with a migration background in their educational and engagement biography, to support them with resources and to provide them with networks and access."
- Eheleute-Carl-Ruß-Stiftung: "The purpose of the foundation is the 'promotion of talented but needy students of higher educational institutions and young people in vocational training of both sexes' [residing in Solingen]."
- Reemtsma Begabtenförderungswerk: "The Reemtsma Begabtenförderungswerk awards scholarships to talented pupils and students whose families are unable to support their studies, or can only do so to a very limited extent."
- Scholarship for the (specialized) Abitur on the second educational path (Hans Böckler Foundation): "Supporting young people in second-chance education is one of the hallmarks of the Hans Böckler Foundation. [It is the only foundation in Germany that promotes and supports people in obtaining their university entrance qualification via the second educational pathway."
- meet! - Mercator Europe Tour: "The meet! - Mercator Europe Tour provides a fully funded insight into the diversity of Europe [...]. [In a three-week workshop [the participants] get to know Europe and the world of international cooperation."
- Parlamentarisches Patenschafts-Programm (PPP) "Every year since 1983, the Parlamentarisches Patenschafts-Program has given school students and young professionals the opportunity to experience an exchange year in the USA with a scholarship from the German Bundestag."