University of Wuppertal

Around 250 Scholarships at the University of Wuppertal every year

Apply for the Deutschlandstipendium Read more

Advice for students - talent scouting at the University of Wuppertal

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Individual scholarship advice for new students

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Scholarships from the BUW Studienstiftung in the event of financial hardship and to finance graduation

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Doctoral funding at the university of Wuppertal

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Student financing for international students

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Advice on BAföG/student finance services via the Hochschulsozialwerk

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Scholarships and funding

Numerous funding opportunities are available at the University of Wuppertal for first-year students, undergraduates, doctoral students and post-graduates.

Whether it's funding for studies, a dissertation project or a stay abroad: The University of Wuppertal and numerous other scholarship providers offer attractive financial and non-material support.

The advantage of a scholarship: In contrast to BAföG/student finance services, scholarships are - as a rule - non-repayable grants, i.e. scholarship holders do not have to repay the financial support after the funding ends.

On the following pages you will find information about the various scholarship providers, funding opportunities and programs, as well as information on how to apply and the award guidelines for the scholarship programs of the University of Wuppertal.


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